


The Semantic Structure of Measurement



主讲人: 罗琼鹏博士

时   间:112日(周二)15:00





In this talk I first briefly review the long research tradition on the grammar of measurement, and how new understanding on the classic issues such as the count-mass distinction, the comparison constructions, the semantics and syntax of the measure phrases, etc.is developed in the light of measurement. I then demonstrate how the measurement perspective sheds new light on some long-standing issues in Chinese linguistics, esp. the semantic nature of classifiers. There are many pros and cons as for whether the classifier system in Chinese is reflective of the count-mass distinction or not. Assuming that the most fundamental meaning of measurement is represented by a structure-preserving homomorphism from one structured domain that is defined by the part-of relation to another structured domain, I show some of the most intricate and fiercely debated data (e.g., pre-classifier adjectival modification (e.g., *san da weilaoshi ‘three big CL teacher’ vs. san da tiaoyu ‘three big CL fish’ and de-insertion between classifiers and nouns (e.g., *san ge de ren ‘three CL de person’ vs. san tong de shui ‘three M-bucket de water’ ) can not only be better treated, but also turn out to be surprisingly uniform, i.e., they display some universal pattern which is reflective of how the grammar of measurement is operative. A relatively straightforward extension of the measurement-based analysis to comparison constructions such as the differential verbal comparatives (DVCs) indicates that some deep and universal mechanism is at play beneath a number of seemingly unrelated constructions across categories and across languages.



罗琼鹏,男,1981年生,先后就读于湖南大学,北京大学,2007-2008年在荷兰乌特列支大学(Utrecht University)语言学研究院学习,2009年在北京大学获得语言学博士学位,2009-2011年在澳大利亚麦考瑞大学(Macquarie University)认知科学研究中心任(博士后)研究员。曾先后受聘香港理工大学中文及双语学系访问助理教授(03/2013-09/2013),法国阿尔多瓦大学(Universitéd’Artois)东方学系副教授(2014-2015)等职。现任教于南京大学文学院语言学专业。主要研究方向:语义学、句法学。