










Language Education Policies in Greater China

Minglang Zhou

University of Maryland, College Park



Globalization and nation-state building are thetwo major factors that have conditioned language education policies in GreaterChina for over a century. The geopolitics of Greater China (Mainland, Taiwan,Hong Kong, and Macau) is the result of the global expansion of Westerncapitalism and colonialism. Conceived in the ideology of one nation, one state,and one language,language education was then among China’s fundamentalresponses to the West. To this end, the collapsing Qing Dynasty (1616-1911)managed to pass the Resolution on Methods of National Language Standardization(Tongyiguoyubanfa an) in its finalyear. Since then, language education has always been an important dimension ofChina’s nation-state building. The Republic of China (1912-present) startedwith a model of a republic of five ethnic groups (wuzugonghe) in the 1910s, evolved to that of an inclusive Chinesenation (zhonghuaminzu) in the 1940s, and now entertains thelatter with more diversity in Taiwan. The People’s Republic of China(1949-present) first followed the Soviet model of multinational-state buildingin the 1950s-1990s and has adopted a Chinese model of one nation with diversity(zhonghuaminzuduoyuanyiti) since thelate 1990s. These evolving models of nation-state building have essentiallyshaped language education polies in Greater China. Meanwhile the impact of thatold cycle of globalization is still felt as the politics of language educationunfolds in the former colonies, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau, in the 21st century, but the new cycle of globalization of information and mobility seesChinese rise as a global language.




周明朗,男,美国密执安州立大学语言学博士,主要研究领域有宏观社会语言学(包括语言政策)、中国的语言与民族、国际汉语教育。现任美国马里兰大学语言学院教授、中文部主任,兼任北京语言大学和上海外国语大学客座教授、新疆师范大学新疆少数民族双语教育中心客座研究员、台湾师范大学跨国顶尖研究中心校外咨询委员会委员,同时还任以下五种国际学刊和四种中国学刊编委:Journal of SociolinguisticStudiesJournal of Asian PacificCommunicationJournal of Language, Identity, and EducationElectronic Journal ofForeign Language TeachingResearching and Teaching Chinese as a ForeignLanguage《新疆范大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)、《双语教育研究》、《言政策与言教育》和《略研究》,他还是以下三种国际学刊的客座主编:International Journal of the Sociology ofLanguageJournalof Asian Pacific CommunicationChineseEducation & Society主要学术著作有《多语中国》(Multilingualism in China: The politics of writing reforms for minoritylanguages 1949-2002, 还在国内外学术期刊发表论文数十篇。