


讲座题目: 翻译与人生

Title Translation and Living Life



专家简介:谭慧敏(THAM WaiMun),副教授,现任新加坡南洋理工大学孔子学院课程顾问。


Abstract: "Literature and Living Life” by Zhu Guangqian was a popular meme. The present paper represents anmemetic attempt looking at translation and living life to shed light on the weight of translation on man, history, culture, civilisation as well as translation universality. Be it a noun or a verb, translation is obviously an instrument of all sort in practice. The cultural turn took it further and lowered it as an instrument of politics, power and ideology. Alarmed, scholars have called for an about turn to the real subject of translation. Meanwhile, modern technology, some claims, threatened to redefine translation. It is at this juncture that it may be worthwhile to reassess the significance of translation from the perspective of translation universal to foreground the proposition that translation is for living life so that we may all go home to the core of the subject matter.