



一、About The EF National University Cup

英孚“大学杯” 全国英语达人赛是由英孚教育主办,面向所有合作高校在校学生的英语能力大赛。比赛旨在创造一个打破专业、年级界限的英语平台,让参与者了解、展示自身英语语言文化能力,并能在活动过程中有所突破和提高,更为优秀的选手提供丰厚奖品及为期三周的美国波士顿交流机会。

The EF National University Cup is a competition for EF’s partner universities. In three rounds, the most talented and enthusiastic students compete to showcase their English skills and win a three-week sponsored trip to Boston, USA.


一、 第五届大赛详情

二、 Details

大赛时间:      312日— 530

Time:           March 12 – May 30

大赛主题:      Communication

Theme:      Communication

比赛轮次:      三轮:网络初赛、校园复赛和决赛

Rounds:         Three

Round 1:        Online test

Round 2:        Campus qualifiers

Round 3:        Final

大赛地点:      第一轮线上、第二轮各大合作高校校园、第三轮决赛场地待定

Location:       Round 1 online, round 2 on campus, final venue to be decided

主办方:        英孚教育

Organized by:  EF Education First


协办方/ Co-organized by:

中国科学院上海分院Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Branch

华东师范大学East China Normal University

华东理工大学East China University of Science and Technology

华东政法大学East China University of Political Science and Law

东华大学Donghua University

上海交通大学Shanghai Jiao Tong University

上海大学 Shanghai University

上海财经大学Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

上海师范大学Shanghai Normal University

上海师范大学天华学院Shanghai Normal University Tianhua College

上海旅游专科技术学校 Shanghai Institute of Tourism

上海体育学院Shanghai University of Sport

上海工程技术大学Shanghai University of Engineering Science

上海工程技术大学高职学院Shanghai University of Engineering Science (Advanced Vocational Technical College)

上海海事大学 Shanghai Maritime University

上海海洋大学 Shanghai Ocean University

上海建桥学院 Shanghai Jianqiao University 

上海立信会计金融学院Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance

上海政法学院Shanghai University of Political Science and Law

上海第二工业大学Shanghai Polytechnic University

上海科技大学ShanghaiTech University

上海海关学院 Shanghai Customs College

上海商学院Shanghai Business School

上海对外经贸大学Shanghai University of International Business and Economics

上海财经大学浙江分院 Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Zhejiang College

浙江师范大学 Zhejiang Normal University

南京大学Nanjing University

东南大学Southeast University

南京理工大学Nanjing University of Science and Technology

南京理工大学紫金学院Nanjing University of Science and Technology Zijin College

南京航空航天大学Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

中国药科大学China Pharmaceutical University (CPU)

南京师范大学Nanjing Normal University

南京师范大学中北学院Nanjing Normal University Zhongbei College

河海大学HoHai University

南京工业大学Nanjing Tech University

南京工业职业技术学院Nanjing Institute of Industry Technology


参赛资格:      收到英孚学术合作部邀请参赛的各高校在读学生。

Qualification: All current students of EF AP’s partner and pre-partner universities are eligible

参与方式:      课堂或网络报名,并完成初赛线上测试 (http://go.efset.cn/cn-uccup)

To attend:      Go to http://go.efset.cn/cn-uccup, register and take the online test

二、    具体流程

三、 Procedure


Round 1:    Online Test

时间:      312日—413

Time:       March 12 – April 13

1.  关注EFAP官方微信公众平台,比赛活动最新信息将在平台上实时更新。

Follow our EFAP official WeChat account. Latest news on this competition will be d here.

2.  登录英孚“大学杯”英语达人赛官网(网址:http://go.efset.cn/cn-uccup)进行首轮英语能力测试。该测试耗时50分钟。

Go to the EF University Cup official website (http://go.efset.cn/cn-uccup) and take a 50-min online English test.

3.  每个学校分别选取前20名进入复赛,晋级信息将通过邮件或者短信方式通知。

The 20 top scorers at each university will qualify for round 2 and be informed by email or phone.



Round 2: Campus Qualifiers

时间:416日—511日(具体时间和地点将由各个学校自行决定, 并通过邮件或短信的方式通知选手)

Time: April 16 – May 11 (The exact time and location will be decided by each university and be sent through email or by phone)

1.  通过第一轮网络初赛,每个学校前20名参赛者将进入到校园复赛。

The 20 top scorers of each university qualify for Round 2.

2.  复赛将包含两个环节:

Round 2 will consist of two stages:

1 第一环节:知识问答(笔试)。问答内容会采集于官方微信比赛期间分享的视频、链接、文章等,问答前十名的选手晋级第二环节的比赛。

Stage 1: Written quiz. The questions in the quiz will be taken from material students should read beforehand, shared via the WeChat account. The top ten participants will qualify for Stage 2.

2 第二环节:两分钟演讲。演讲话题将会通过官方微信提前公布。第二环节将由裁判组根据评判标准进行评分。

Stage 2: two-minute speech. The topic will be announced in advance through the official WeChat. Stage 2 will be scored by the judges according to the criteria.

3 角逐出两位选手将组成一队,代表学校参与最终决赛(决赛备赛期间将有外教导师指导),若其中有选手退出,将由排名顺位的选手替补。

Two out of the 20 participants will be selected to form a pair as the representatives of their university. They will be coached by EF international teachers before the final round. If any of the two qualifiers cannot make it to the final, the next highest scorer will be his/her replacement.



Round 3:    Final

时间:      530

Time:       May 30


The final will consist of four stages:

1)  第一环节:三分钟组队演讲。每组选手围绕主题 “Communication” 进行三分钟演讲,选手组可以使用PPT作为辅助。裁判组根据评分标准给予评分。得分前十的组进入第二环节。

Stage 1: three-minute presentation. Each pair will give a three-minute presentation on the topic of "Communication". PowerPoint can be used as a supplement to the talk. Judges will score the pairs based on criteria. The top ten pairs will progress to stage 2.

2)  第二环节:知识问答。问答将全面测试学生的综合英语语言和文化素质,根据选手组抢答的速度和正确性给予评分。

Stage 2: quiz. This quiz will fully test the student''''s comprehensive English language and cultural knowledge. Pairs will be scored on both the correctness and speed of their answers.

3)  第三环节:讲座听记。比赛现场将播放一段讲座,学生组根据讲座做笔记。讲座之后将给出一系列问题,根据选手组抢答的速度和正确性给予评分。


Stage 3: listening task. Pairs will view part of a lecture, and should take notes. After the lecture pairs there will be a series of questions. Pairs will be scored on both the correctness and speed of their answers.

The two pairs with the highest combined scores in stages 2 & 3 will progress to stage 4.

4)  第四环节;即兴辩论。组委会现场公布辩论话题,选手将有短暂的时间做准备。得分将结合裁判和现场投票综合得出。得分更高的队伍将成为冠军,并获得赴美国波士顿三周的交流机会。

Stage 4: debate. After stage 3, the Organizing Committee will announce the topic of the debate, and the two remaining pairs will have a short time to prepare. The debate will be scored through a combination of judges'''' scores and an audience vote. The team with the highest combined score will win the first prize (a three week trip to Boston, USA).


三、    奖项设置

四、 Awards

1. 在312日至530日期间,在英孚学术合作部官方微信公众平台将为关注者定期举办特色活动,发放各色精美礼品。

1. From March 5 to May 21, there will be WeChat posts giving nice gifts to our official WeChat account followers

2. 决赛奖品

2. Awards for Finals


First prize: Three weeks trip to Boston (Including round trip tickets and accommodation)


Second prize: EF Online English Course (1 year)


Third prize: Kindle 电子阅览器


NB All final round participants will be awarded with certificate and gifts.



Committee of the 5th EF National University Cup



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