CFL Hold a Forum for Representative Teachers of Democratic Party

CFL Hold a Forum for Representative Teachers of Democratic Party

Onthe afternoon of Jan. 14th, CFL held a forum for represantativeteachers of Democratic Party in CFL Building Room 501. Secretary of CommunistParty, Hou Chunlin presided over the meeting.

Hou pointed out that there are many teachers who are members ofDecocratic Party and have made great contributions to the reform anddevelopment of CFL teaching. They are an indispensable part of CFL teachingstaff who are of great wisdom. This forum aims to encourage these teachers toparticipate in various affairs in a more active way and offer their ownconstructive suggestions. It is an effective way to gather wisdom and strengthin a different perspective. Then all the teachers present exchanged their ideasabout some hot topics, such as the influence modern college system exerting onthe management, reform of the management of college,construction of cohesionand incentive plan on teaching, at the end of the discussion, they gave somesuggestions on imrovement of the college affairs.

Finally, Secretary Hou asked the teachers to maintain an activeattitude, do well in  their own job andmake more contribution together to the bright future of CFL.