CFL Successfully Holds the 23th Academic Salon by Both the Institute of English and Chinese Comparative Studies and Application

CFL Successfully Holds the 23th Academic Salon by Both the Institute of English and Chinese Comparative Studies and Application

  On the afternoon of April 21th, CFL successfullyholds the 23th Academic Salon by both the Institute of English and ChineseComparative Studies and Application and the Academic Innovation Team of Englishand Chinese Comparison and Translation in the Room 311. Prof. Gao Wencheng, thekeynote speaker, from University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, gavean academic lecture titled as “The challenge and Innovation Exploration inEnglish and Chinese Comparison Studies”. Prof.Shang Xin , Dean of CFL and theleader of the English and Chinese Comparison and Translation AcademicInnovation Team, hosted this Academic Salon. Some of the teachers and studentsparticipated in that communication and discussion.

 Prof.Gao reviewed the development history of contrastive linguistics andpointed the challenges we are facing. He thought our English and ChineseComparative Studies relatively lagged behind mainly in five aspects. That is, theoreticalbasis, research method,verification in cross-language materials,description andtheory sublimation,as well as promotion of the research achievements. We shouldassimilate the newest research findings from the West, and combined withChinese Language, so that the innovation research of all levels will besuccessfully going on.

This report delivered by Prof.Gao wasstimulating, informative and instructive. After that, Prof.Gao held a heateddiscussion with some teachers and students.