Shipping and Business English

The Institute of International Shipping and Business English

Founding time: June 2, 2010

Director: Professor Wen, Fengxiang


Tel.: 021-38282742. E-mail:

Honorary Director: Zhang Ye, Doctor and the President of Shanghai Shipping Exchange.


To support the teaching and research of shipping business English in SMU.

To provide a platform for faculty to improve research capacity and lay foundation on research of shipping English.

To research on shipping English and cultivate professionals for international shipping business.

To provide language and technological supports for Shanghai International Shipping Center.

2. Research Orientation:

International shipping and business English

3. Members:

Zhu, Haixia: doctor and associate professor

Geng, Qiang: doctor and associate professor

Wang, Xian: doctor and associate professor

Huang, Jing: master and associate professor

Ma, Zheng: doctor and lecturer

Liu, Nihui: master and lecturer