Regulations of the Postgraduates’ Cultivation……

Regulations of the Postgraduates’ Cultivation……

Regulations of the Postgraduates’ Cultivation and Management in the College of ForeignLanguages (Trial)

With the increase in thenumber of the discipline that enrollments and the development of the scale of postgraduateeducation in our college, we should make a further regulation and improvementin the work of the degree management and the teaching. According to the spirit of the Working Rulesof the SMU’s Postgraduates’ Cultivation (huhaidayanzi[2010]No.66) and on thebase of extensive research and the practice of the postgraduate teachingmanagement, we made this management regulation.

. General Rules

There are four categories in Regulations of the Postgraduates’ Cultivation and Management including enrollment management,guidance management, teaching management, degree management and studentmanagement. Tutors and relevant leaders respectively take responsibilities ofthe work of management. The general principles are as following, (1)the chairman takes responsibilities of the postgraduates enrollment, (2) thetutors take responsibilities of the guidance of the postgraduates, (3) the assistantdeans of different colleges take responsibilities of the teaching and degreemanagement, (4) the deputy secretary takes responsibilities of the studentsmanagement,(5) the teaching secretary takes responsibilities of the dailyaffairs in the postgraduates’ teaching,(6) the instructor takesresponsibilities of the management of postgraduates’ studying and living.

The person responsible for themanagement should share out the work and cooperate with one another so as toguarantee the quality of postgraduates’ cultivation.

一、Tutors’ Duties

The tutors are the most important personwho undertaking liabilities. In the process of guidance, the tutors should notonly impart knowledge, but also integrate students’ independent innovationthought and the cultivation of students’ innovation and research abilities withthe ideological and political education which corresponds with the principle of combinationof teaching and education. Following are the details of their duties;

(一) According to the realities of our college, we use thesystem by combining the mutual-selection to the college appointment whenpostgraduates chose their tutors.

(二) The guidance including help postgraduates make personaltraining plan, check and supervise the implementation of the plan and payattention to  students’ ideological,studying and living condition, as well as offer expertise and mentorship incompleting postgraduates’ thesis which including the produces of thesisselection, thesis proposal and thesis modification.

(三) The tutors should always carry out academic and academicmoral education to their students and promptly correct students’ misbehavior.

(四) The tutors should consciously shoulder the guidance rolein strengthening their relations with students and having an overallunderstanding of students’ studying, research and living development and theyshould teach students in accordance of their aptitude so as to promotepostgraduates’ development in an all-round way.

(五) Tutorsshould give individual guidance regularly or at the request of postgraduates.In principle, individual guidance should be conducted face to face. However, insome special circumstances the tutors can also make a telephone call or send anE-mail to their students, In principle, tutors and their postgraduates shouldmeet not less than 3 times eachsemester. Tutors should take the principle of people-oriented, respect andstick up for the postgraduates’ legitimate rights and interests. College willassess tutors according to their working hours at the end of each semester soas to strengthen the assessment of the work.

(六) Collegeencourages tutors to give more guidance and assistance in the perspective ofideological, political, mental health, life, and employment to postgraduates.College shall give commendationsand awards to the tutors that have outstanding performances in their work. Iftutors find any problems or difficulties of the postgraduates in such aspectsas political, psychological and ideological life, they shall timely contactwith the leaders who in charge of student ideological and political work andwith the postgraduates’ instructors, and then find a solution.

(七) If there are any cases of ill responsibilities happenedin the tutors, the postgraduates have the right to change a tutor. The tutorshould take the responsibility if there are any consequences of thepostgraduates in their studying (such as the unsatisfactory papers).  In the event that the tutors do notsuitable for performing the duties of postgraduates’ guidance, such as thetutor transfers to a new institution, the college leaders should discuss withthe corresponding postgraduates and find a best solution and then arrange a newexperienced tutor who has relevant academic background to the postgraduates.

 二、Assistant Dean’s Duties

Under the leadership of the dean, theassistant dean who in charge of graduate education (hereinafter called collegeassistant dean) takes full responsibilities of postgraduates’ cultivation andmanagement, conscientiously implements the relevant provision aboutpostgraduates education of the school, chairs and drafts the developmentplanning of postgraduates’ education, so as to ensure the development of theprocess of postgraduates’ education going smoothly. The general principles are as following;

(一)           Taking responsibility of the teachingmanagement of postgraduates’ studying, the degree program establishment and thework of assessment.

(二)           Helpingthe dean make a plan of the development of the degree programming, declare tothe organization of various degree including Dr., master (includingprofessional master).

(三)           Helpingmake the development program of the postgraduates and the plan of theenrollment of the postgraduates. According to the demand of graduatedepartment, the assistant dean should supervise all responsible person who incharge in making the cultivation program of postgraduates in different degreepoints. Besides, he or she should revise the curriculum standards and theexamination syllabus. What’s more, the assistant dean should carry out muchwork such as course construction, textbook compilation and teaching studying,and through the ways of attending the lectures and holding the discussiontoward the teaching, he or she will have an understand of the teachingachievement.

(四)           Makinga good job in managing and constructing the tutor team, organizing teachers todeclare the rights to guide postgraduates. Strengthening the construction ofthe team of postgraduates’ tutors and taking the responsibility of themanagement of the postgraduates’ tutors.

(五)            Responsible for the graduate degreeapplication, examining the form of a graduate degree paper and organizing thework of reading and appraisal of thesis for master degree as well as the thesisdefense.

(六)           Managingand cultivating students, actively concerning postgraduates’ ideology, studyingand health. Besides, he or she should cultivate postgraduates with all-rounddevelopment in moral, intellectual and physical qualities.

(七)           Puttingforward proposal which is relevant to the expenditure given to thepostgraduates’ education from the Postgraduates Department.

(八)           Completingthe other work assigned by schools and Colleges.

三、The Duties of the Chairman of the Sub Degree Committee

The sub degree committee is an importantorganization in the college which is special in guiding the work of degreeprogramming and the postgraduates’ education, and it plays an important role incultivating and guaranteeing the quality of the degree conferring. The Sub DegreeCommittee is composed of seven members including one chairman and six members. In principle,the chairman should be the member of the School’s Degree Committee and themembers should be the assistant deans of different colleges and the responsiblepersons of the degree points as well as the chairman of the Professors’Committee. The list of the membersof the Sub Degree Committee shall be submitted to the School Degree Committeefor approval according to the school term of operation, the member can servetwo successive terms.

The chairman takes responsibility of theorganization and operation of the Sub Degree Committee. The duties of the Sub DegreeCommittee are as following;

(一)             Thechairman of the Sub Degree Committee should do a good job in postgraduatedegree assessment and declaration as well as a master's degree conferring. To checkthe list of the members to be conferred the master degree. Discussing theproblems emerged from the process of degree conferring and putting forward theadvice

(二)              To supervise the declaration of the Doctorconferrable spots and the Master conferrable spots. Reviewing and then formingthe declaration materials about the new degree conferrable spots. To check thelist of new tutors in different disciplines.

(三)             Toaudit the excellent master’s degree thesis and the declaration material of theoutstanding graduates and then form a resolution.

(四)              To complete the other work assigned by School’sDegree Committee and Colleges.

 四、The Duties of the Person incharge of the Master’s Degree

The person in chargeof the master’s degree operates his or her work under the lead of the assistantdean of college and the leaders of the Sub Degree Committee. After beingrecommended by all relevant professors and the discussion of the CollegeBusiness Committee the person who takes the position of the work will havetwo-year tenure but three successive terms. The followings are the duties indetail;

(一) According to the arrangement from the Graduate Departmentand the college, the assistant dean of the college takes the responsible oforganizing and revising the Undergraduates’ Cultivate Plan which includes theadjustment of the curriculum, the distribution of the credits of classes, therevision of each professional courses as well as the arrangement of theteachers of different courses etc..

(二)  To assist the SubDegree Committee and the Graduate Department in the work related to thepostgraduate entrance examination which includes the test subjects, questionsand test syllabus etc..

(三)  The assistant deandetermines the distribution of tutors according to the arrangement of thecollege, the tutor’s specialty and the intention of the new students etc.

(四)  During the earlystage of the entrance, the assistant dean should make a detailed introductionof the degree points and put forward requests for the students in theiracademic studies.

(五)  To urge and checkthe course selection and give guidance for them to make necessary adjustments.

(六) In the studying period, the assistant dean should collectthe opinions and suggestions from the postgraduates regularly and communicatewith the professional teachers in time so as to update the teaching content,increase the amount of information within the class and improve the teachingeffectiveness. Besides, the assistant dean should pay special attention toevery aspects of the mid-term examination.

(七) To help the college organize different academic lecturesand forums (Wenxin academic forum) and some other academic activities.

(八) Before the thesis proposal, the person in charge of themaster’s degree should make a detailed introduction of the requirements andregulations about the thesis proposal and help the college organize and holdthe thesis proposal defense.

(九) In the period thesis writing, the person in charge of themaster’s degree should make a detailed introduction about the thesis deadline,the format and the academic norms. Besides, he or she should mobilize thetutors to supervise the process of the thesis writing and provide guidance andhelp to the students as much s possible as well as remind them to eliminateadverse phenomena such as plagiarism.

(十) The person in charge of the master’s degree determinesthe chairman and members of the Dissertation Committee according to the unifiedarrangement from the college and after the discussion with the responsiblepersons of the relevant degree points. And then submits the list to the collegeso as to have an overall coordination. Besides, the person in charge of themaster’s degree should send expert invitation in the name of the college.

(十一)       According to the unified arrangement of the college, Theperson in charge of the master’s degree should organize the thesis defense asthe scheduled date and request the Dissertation Committee maintain a strictstandard so as to ensure the quality of the thesis and properly handle thethesis which is not conform to the requirements.

(十二)       Toaccomplish the other work assigned by the school and the college.

五、TheDuties of the Postgraduates Teaching Secretary.

The Postgraduates Teaching Secretaryconcurrently acts as theSecretary of the Sub Academic Degree Committee. The general responsibility isto help the Vice Dean and accept the professional guidance from theGraduateSchool. To deal with all the workrelated to the postgraduate education and the degree management. The general principles are as following,

() Givingassistance to the Vice Dean and the Sub Committee to formulate the specialtycatalogue for the postgraduate and take part in the work of enrollment,examination, reexamination and recruitment etc..

()Accordingto the general course arrangement issued by the Graduate Cultivate Office, theTeaching Secretary should do good work in the online course selection, toformulate the professional curriculum and then enter it in the computer.Besides, the Teaching Secretary should issue teaching assignment to theteachers and at the same time do good work in switching classes, making upclasses and in the management of the external teachers and re-employedteachers.

()Givingassistance to the ViceDean to ensure the postgraduates’ classes carried out smoothly and to do a goodjob in checking the quality of the postgraduate’s teaching achievements.

() Givingassistance to the ViceDean to revise the Postgraduates CultivationPlan, to do good job in the organization and implementation of the teachingwork , the teaching management, the student status management, the qualitysupervision as well as the work inspection.

() Beresponsible for the registration of the postgraduate exam results and record ofthe students’ credits.

() To urge the tutorsto guide the postgraduates to make personal studying plan and to supervise theirimplementation of plans.

()Giving assistance tothe Vice Dean to build the college key disciplines, to declare the Bachelordegree authorization points as well as to assess the work of the degree points.

() Giving assistanceto the Vice Dean in the management of organization of the graduate thesisproposal, mid-term examination, graduate student dissertation qualificationreview, dissertation reading and review, especially the blind review. Besides,the Teaching Secretary should organize the thesis defense and do the work ofdeclaration of the outstanding master’s thesis. What’s more, the Teaching Secretarytakes the duties of checking the thesis published in the school.

() The TeachingSecretary is responsible to check and examine the graduate students’ coursegrades and credits and do a good job in the work of examine the qualificationof graduating to help the Vice Dean to check and evaluate the quality of theeducation among the postgraduates.

() Responsible forcollecting all kinds of documents, materials and information of relevantstudents and do a good job in the work of information management which includesfill in statistical data in various tables and then submit them to the relevantorganizations

(十一) To accomplish theother work assigned by the school and the college.

六、TheDuties of the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee

() Responsible for thegraduates’ ideological and political work and to guide the graduate studentsdaily management and ideological education activities.

() To coordinate withthe teaching front so as to strengthen the style of study construction and toimprove the atmosphere of academic research among the postgraduates.

() To pay attention tothe students’ thought in time and solve emergency among the students to preventany potential risks which is harmful to the stability and harmony of theschool.

()To takepart in the Postgraduates Meeting irregularly and listen to the advices of thepostgraduates as well as to do good job in solving and replying of the  advices.

() Toaccomplish the other work assigned by the school and the college.

七、the Duties of the Postgraduates’Counselors

The counselor carriesout the relevant work about the postgraduates under the leadership of the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee,following are the specific duties:

(一)          Accordingto the characteristics of the postgraduates to carry out the ideological andpolitical education.

(二)          Inaccordance with the requirements for the party construction, the counselorshould do a good job in the development work in the graduate students. Besides,the counselor should guide the Students Party Branches to carry out the workand to educate the postgraduates’ party members.

(三)          Responsible for the graduate students’ daily management.To supervise the students to obey the school rules and disciplines and to solvethe problems about the discipline violations as well as to supervise thestudents to observe the leaving system.

(四)          Do good work in students’ psychological health educationand give assistance.

(五)          To guide the Graduate Union to carry out work andactivities.

(六)          Cooperating with the Teaching Secretary about the studentstatus management and teaching management.

(七)          Cooperating with relevant organizations and do a good jobin the students’ awards appraisal and mid-term examination.

 The dutieslisted above are reviewed by thee the College Business Committee and now it had come intoeffect.


                 College of Foreign LanguagesofShanghaiMaritime University

                                          OnMarch 18, 2013