Paper Specifications of Graduates in Foreign……

Paper Specifications of Graduates in Foreign……

Paper Specifications of Graduates in Foreign Language College (Trial)(TheSecond Part ) 



The appendix includes datamaterials, questionnaire contents placed in the text which appear too lengthy,etc. And the main symbols,significance, units, abbreviations,full text anddescription of program may also be included. As for degree thesis,the appendixmay include translation project contract texts, raw materials of translationresearch data and so on in order to provide data help for reading. It can bedetermined according to the actual needs of the choice.

11. Acknowledgment

If necessary,graduates maygive their appreciation to units and individuals who have provided variousconditions for giving all kinds of aid, guidance and assistance to complete theresearch work. Acknowledgment should observe the principles of seeking truthfrom facts and avoid exaggerated and vulgar words by all means.

12.Contents of academic papers published during degreestudying

13.Back Cover

Using the unified formatproofs issued by Shanghai Maritime University graduate department.


Ⅳ.Relatively unified specifications in writing degreethesis of various kinds of developing directions  

1.Paper cover :using theunified cover issued by Shanghai Maritime University graduate department. Fordetailed specification,see the table below ,for example, see Appendix 1:

Cover format ofdegree thesis 



Font,font size, alignment 

length to the top of the paper 

institute code :10254

degree of secrets :

Paper number:

Italics GB2312.size D

Length to the right side of the paper is 35mm


Fixed spacing:20

The school logo

    Length to the left side of the paper is 30mm.


Shanghai Maritime University 


Master(Doctoral) dissertation 


Font shutong,smaller size A,blackening ,middle 

Times NEW Roman,size B,middle 

Official script ,size A, blackening,middle 

Times NEW Roman,size smaller B, middle


Single space 

Thesis topic 

Discipline and specialty

Name of the author


Completion date

Italics GB2312, size B,blackening, middle

("O" stands for "zero",for example ,2O13)



Note: Middle means all contents are in the middle.


(The cover of the sample is in the appendix 1)

2.The original declarationand the statement of paper using authorization :
  Under a unified format stipulated by theoffice of graduate students.

 3.The inside cover: the paper sets the insidecover, where English topic is by Times New Roman, three,centered, bold anduppercase first letter of the first word and words, Chinese topic is centeredand bold four,and the English name of author and the following content is byTimes New Roman four.
 Specific format sample is shown in appendix 2.

   4.Abstract and key words in English:including English thesis title( centered,Times New Roman three, bold),ABSTRACT(centered, Times New Roman small three,bold),English abstract text(both ends aligned, Times New Roman small four, 1.5line spacing) and English key words("key words" by Times New Romanfour,bold, and remaining by Times New Roman small four).
 Each key word is separated with a semicolon.Specific format sample is shown in appendix 3.

   5.Abstract and key words in Chinese: including Chinese thesistitle(centered,boldface three),abstract( centered,boldface small three), abstracttext( both ends aligned,song typeface small four) and key words("keywords" by boldface four, and remaining by Song typeface small four,1.5line spacing). Each key word is separated with a semicolon. Specific formatsample is shown in appendix 4.

    6.Contentspage:including TABLE OF CONTENTS(centered, Times New Roman small three,bold),level 1 title by Times New Roman four, bold, level 2 title and the belowby Times New Roman small four.
 Specific format sample is shown in appendix5(Literature by MLA format) and appendix 6(Linguistics andTranslation(including MTI) by APA format).

   7.Illustrations and schedule list: the schedule list depends on the type ofthesis.The list should be in another page after the directory page,LIST OFTABLES AND LIST OF FIGURES by the format of centered ,Times New Roman smallthree ,bold and the remaining by Times New Roman small four.

    8.Thepage number of the above parts should be marked with lowercase letters inRoman,such as i,ii,iii.

    9.Thetext(introduction, body and conclusion):Level 1 title by the format ofcentered, Times New Roman four,bold with capital letters.Level 2 title and thebelow by Times New Roman small four and left-aligned. The remaining text wordsare aligned to both ends with Times New Roman small four and 1.5 line spacing.Specific format sample is shown in appendix 7(Literature) and appendix8(Linguistics and Translation(including MTI)). Each chapter on a page ispaged  by 1,2,3 and so on.

    In thispaper reference, literature direction is written according to MLAformat,marking the author and page number (for example,Peters 68), andLinguistics and Translation (including MTI) are written according to APAformat, marking the author, time and page number ( for example, Peters, 1999, p.68).   There are several kinds of references asfollowing:

    (1)Citingthe view of the whole literature 

      There are two cases when citing the view of the whole literature(the whole bookor full text),

    One isthat the surname of the author hasn't been mentioned in the text,for example,


Charlotte and Emily Brontewere polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources ofinspiration for writing (Taylor).


Charlotte and Emily Brontewere polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources ofinspiration for writing (Taylor, 1990).

    The otheris that the author's surname has been in the same sentence ,which needn't bemarked by parentheses according to the MLA format. For example,



Taylor claims that Charlotteand Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but intheir sources of inspiration for writing.

And according to the APAspecification,it is not necessary to repeat the author's last name inparentheses interlinear notes.For example,


Taylor claims that Charlotteand Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but intheir sources of inspiration for writing (1990).

    If theauthor's last name and the publishing year of the literature are in the samesentences of the text, it needn't to use the parentheses interlinear notesaccording to the APA format. For example, 


In a 1990 article, Taylorclaims that Charlotte and Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in theirpersonalities but in their sources of inspiration for writing.

    Whenciting Chinese books or periodicals in English thesis,only the author's lastname in Chinese phonetic alphabet is needed in the parentheses interlinearnotes but not in Chinese.For example,

 MLA:  (Zhu 12)

    APA:  (Zhang, 2005)

(2) Citing the specific viewor word in the literature 

When citing one of thespecific points or words, the page number which the point or the words belongto must be noted. Because no page number means lack of standardization ofliterature quoting, If the author's last name has been in the same sentences ofthe text, it is not necessary to repeat it in parentheses interlinear notes.

    (3)Citingthe same literature written by many authors

MLA(two or three authors):

Among intentionalspoonerisms, the “punlike metathesis of distinctive features may serve to weldtogether words etymologically unrelated but close in their sound and meaning”(Jakobson and Waugh 304).

(If there are three authors,using commas to separate their last name in parentheses interlinear notes.Forexample,(Alton, Davies, and Rice 56).)


The study was extended fortwo years, and only after results were reviewed by an independent panel did theresearchers publish their findings (Blaine et al. 35).

APA(two authors):

Research (Yamada &Matsuura, 1982) reports the poor performance of advanced English learners whocould use English articles correctly only in 70 percent of the cases.

"And" and"&" are used in the two kinds of standard brackets interlinearnotes.

APA(three to fiveauthors)

The first citation:

According to educationalpsychologists, raising children is a responsibility of the entire community(Franklin, Childs, & Smith, 1995).

Later referencing:

  To be successful,“communities must be willing to take this responsibility” (Franklin et al.,1995, p. 135).

APA(more than fiveauthors):

Patterns of byzantineintrigue have long plagued the internal politics of community collegeadministration in Texas (Douglas et al., 2003)

    (4)Citingdifferent authors who have the same last name 

      If two or more authors have the same last name, then the parenthesesparenthetic citation should also use their initials.For example,


Although some medicalethicists claim that cloning will lead to designer children (R. Miller 12),others note that the advantages for medical research outweigh thisconsideration (A. Miller 46).


Well-established SLAresearchers (e.g., R. Ellis, 2002) seem rather skeptical of the assertion thatrepetition alone explains the development of the knowledge of a second language(N. Ellis, 2002).

      There are more situations that authors have the same surname when citingChinese books or periodicals ,so the initials of their names should be used todistinguish in the interlinear notes. For example,


MLA:   (S.R.Wang 26)    (J.X. Wang 30)

APA:   (W.Y. Wang, 2003)     (L.F. Wang, 2003, p. 213)

    (5)Citing corporate authors 

      It is necessary to use the name of the group in parentheses interlinear noteswhen citing the corporate authors' work. For example,


It was apparent that theAmerican health care system needed “to be fixed and perhaps radically modified”(Public Agenda Foundation 4).


Retired officers retainaccess to all of the university's educational and recreational facilities(Columbia University, 1987, p. 54).

   10.References are divided into English references and references inChinese. 

    (1)Englishreferences: start a new page. The literature direction follows the MLA format,titled WORKS CITED,centered, Times New Roman four and bold with all capitalletters.  The linguistics and translation(including MTI) directions follow the APA format ,titled REFERENCES,centered,Times New Roman four and bold with all capital letters.  The remaining words of the references followthe format of Times New Roman small four, 1.5 line spacing and the second lineand the following indent. All MLA formats of longer works are underlined, andAPA formats are in italics. Specific format sample is shown in appendix 9(MLA)and appendix 10(APA).

   (2)References in Chinese:start a new page with a unified format stipulated bythe office of graduate students of Shanghai Maritime University without serialnumber.The title follows the format of Song typeface four and bold, theremaining words by Song typeface small four,ordered according to the Chinesephonetic alphabet of their last name,and the second line and the followingindent. Specific format sample is shown in appendix 11.

   11.Appendix:It depends on the specific condition if the appendix isneeded.Appendix should start another page after the reference with the titleAPPENDIX,centered,Times New Roman four,bold and all capital letters, and theremaining follows the format of  TimesNew Roman small four.

   12.Acknowledgments: start another page. The title is ACKNOWLEDGMENTS,centered,Times New Roman four,bold and all capital letters, the remaining words with TimesNew Roman small four,1.5 line spacing and alignment controlling on both ends.Specific format sample is shown in appendix 12.

13.The directory of academicpapers published during the degree studying:the title isPUBLICATIONS,centered,Times New Roman four,bold and and the remaining followsthe format of  Times New Roman smallfour.

14.Back cover: using theunified format stipulated by the office of Shanghai Maritime Universitygraduate students. See appendix 13.

15. Other matters need to beexplained

(1)When the confidentialpaper was delivered with the respondent materials, it need to be agreed by thecollege and Graduate Department and to be kept in the archives to the referenceroom with the applications for invention award or patent papers together. Thematerials which can not be published can be written with fascicleattachment,and be annotated "internal information".

(2)Thesis content should betypeset by computer, using 80 grams of A4 copy paper, vertical layout, andsingle-sided printing. The page settings: left over the  empty 30mm: left, right over the empty 25mm,above 27mm, and below 30mm. Type area size: 155×240mm. The page number islocated in the middle of the page.

(3) The dissertation covershould follow the unified format sample issued by the office of the graduate:230 grams dermatoglyph paper, and blue cover(the color number G10). The covercontent will be printed in accordance with the format stipulated by ShanghaiMaritime University, and must be correct (sample in Appendix 1). The number of the title can't exceed 30words. Tutor's signing should depend on the approval of the enrollment. Ifthere is any change, we should put forward formally to report for the record.

    (4)Illustrations and tables in the text.

   Illustrations: the number and name of the picture should be under the picture.The number of the illustration is given according to the chapter order. Forexample,3.2 means the second illustration in chapter three. If there aredifferent parts in the illustration, it should be listed in accordance with theEnglish lowercase letters,such as (a). The number of different picture should be under different picture, andthe content of each part should be listed.  The literature sources should be marked in the upper right corner of thename in the illustration .

     Tablesin the text: The number of the table is given according to the chapter order.For example,5.4 means the forth table in chapter five. Tables should be named.The number and name of the table should be above it. Table must be marked theunit in accordance with the symbol provided.