Notice on 2013 master's degree thesis……

Notice on 2013 master's degree thesis……

Notice on 2013 master's degree thesisdefense  work arrangements

 Toall the departments in the school :

the 2011 post graduate students areabout to enter the thesis defense program, based on the annual meeting plan ofthe academic degree evaluation committee and our plan for graduate cultivate,we give the work arrangement of the 2011 master student s thesis defense.

一、 thesis defense timearrangement

The thesis defense program is to be heldtwo times, the first one is in the middle of June and the second one is onSeptember. The second and third meeting of the academic degree evaluationcommittee is to be held on June and October to audit the degree grant. 

二、 the procedure ofentering the thesis defense

 Thereare 126 theses to enter the defense program on June, the final list will bedepended on the result of thesis similarity check and double blind inspection.At present, all the students’ theses have been inspected. The graduate studentsshould hand in their theses to their supervisors for inspection and then printit. The results for random inspection of the theses shall come out within twodays. Those who fail the inspection shall not enter the defense program andtheir defense time will be in a year later.

Those whose defense time is on Septembershall finish their draft thesis before June 25th and hand it to MissFang Jin Mei. The detailed arrangement on September for thesis defense shall beon further notice

三、 work should  be done for the students whose theses are tobe on blind inspection

There will be no need for internetrandom inspection, the MTI majors’ theses shall all be on blind inspectionbecause this is our first graduates. Students from other two majors should handin ‘double blind inspection brief form’(in triplicate) at 8;30, May the 22th,and then get the sealed form back at 2;00pm ,May the 23th. They should hand ina copy of their thesis on May 24th, 1;30-4;00pm (the author and thesupervisor’s name should be deleted) with the filled form (in triplicate) toroom 104,(the primary student office). The theses will be sent for inspectionby the academic degree office, due the urgent circumstance, please hand in yourtheses as soon as possible.

the name list for the mandatory blindinspection

1all students from MTI 2011

2those who obtain the graduate innovative program

    NameChe Bing, Chen Meng, Zhang Zhen Da

NotesThe thesis shall not pass if the similarity rate is over 25%, orattend the random inspection.

   四、the arrangement for thesis defensetime and hand in of materials

 defense time for Foreign linguistics andApplied Linguistics: June 16th,17th.

 defense time for English language andLiterature: June 14th

 defense time for MTI: June 14th

 Detaileddefense arrangement shall be on further notice. The deadline for the hand in ofthesis defense papers is June 20th, every team secretary shallnotify Miss Fang Jin Mei on the every day thesis defense information.

五、 on the printing andhand in of the thesis

1On the printing of the thesis: the printing of the thesis shallrefer to the printing model handed out by the is the informationon the designated printing room, for your reference only.No. 1600 Pudong Avenue,MinshengRoad, the name is ‘Shanghai Le Shi Ke Industry and Trade Company’, the personin charge is called Gu Da Wu. A4 single side print is 0.15 yuan each, thebinding plus the cover is 10 yuan. When printing, please check out the formatof the thesis, make sure there is no leave left. Besides, if you go to thedesignated printing room, please tell them you are a graduate student from SMUand ask for receipt.

2Copies of the thesis: students should finish printing and bindingtheir theses, they should print no less than 12 copies(one for the studenthimself, 5 for the defense committee, one for the supervisor, 4 for the schoolrecord, one for backup), the specif quantities shall be decided by the personwho is in charge of the academic degree.

3The hand in of the thesis: the theses shall be handed to room 201,foreign language building  on June 2nd , 830-1130am,1230-1600pm, Miss Fang Jin Mei will send thetheses to the expert. Due to the short of time, please hand in your theses assoon as possible.

六、 on the receive ofquestions for the thesis review teachers and thesis defense teachers:

For the thesis review expert fromoutside of the school, Miss Fang will send the paper to them in a proper way.For the thesis defense teacher from the school, they can go to room 201,foreign language building, MinSheng campus. If some teachers want the papers tobe sent to the new campus, they should notice Miss Fang by email.

Every teacher and student should dotheir best for the preparation work, thanks for your corporation.

School of foreignlanguages of Shanghai Maritime University
